Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Abiding Fruit: Peace


This week I was forced to have peace.  Our internet went out and so I spent more time with my son and I also took naps.  However, even by reading this passage everyday, I don't think I have scratched the surface of God's peace for my life!  I have a few physical problems that are causing me to worry.   What I need to do is make a big poster of the words of this passage (Philippians 4:4-9) to remind me of what God wants to teach me!

Here is some of what God taught me this week:
*Be full of joy.
*Be considerate.
*Pray about everything.
*Tell God what I need.
*Thank him for all he has done.
*Live in Christ Jesus.
*Fix thoughts on what is true, honorable, right, pure, lovely, admirable.
*Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.
*DO NOT worry about anything!!

If I put into practice all the things I have this passage I will have God's peace.  I absolutely crave God's peace.  I know I am too caught up in the things of this life that I don't choose to live God's way and therefore do not experience the peace I so strongly desire.

Dear Lord, help me to cement your words into my soul and practice all you have taught me so I can have your peace.  Amen!

I am connected to Do Not Depart and Good Morning Girls.

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