Friday, September 16, 2011

HOMEmaker's Challenge (31 Days to Clean) Week #2

Homemakers Challenge

This week I started using The Six List from  What a difference it makes for me to list things that I need to get done.  I love making lists and checking things off, don't you?  If you are like me, maybe you should check out  They offer tons of great ways to get organized.

I was faithful to make my lists, but some days I couldn't get everything done.  But that's OK!  I did get most things done and I felt very accomplished. And it's amazing to look at my list and see all that I really did.

I was really motivated this week when I saw cleaning up clutter making a big difference in my spirit.  When I was a teacher I always cleaned the classroom and set everything out for the next day so that when I came in the morning it was all ready to go.  I hope to incorporate some of that in my own home.  Making lists keeps me accountable to myself and I love it!  Now, I'm inspired to do more to bless my home!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I loved that 6 list. I didn't really do it this week because I was focusing on something else. But I will return to my six list.