Friday, March 11, 2011

52 Weeks of Organizing with The Organizing Junkie Week #10

This week I tackled the linen closet! I took out a lot of things and I also moved some things (knitting and sewing) in here. We have an extra room that will become our son's new room so I had to get stuff out of there!


Theme for this week: Tips for cluttered surfaces

Questions to ponder:
  1. What are your hot spot landing zones?  My hot spots are the kitchen counter and the dining room table. 
  2. Think about ways you can tackle these flat surface areas to manage the stuff that continues to pile there.  I'm still working on clearing out some other spaces where I can put the things that are cluttering these two hotspots.  I don't have money to buy any organizing baskets or gadgets so I have to make do with what I have.
  3. What are you most proud of so far in your 52 weeks journey?  I'm so proud that I'm actually doing this challenge with being pregnant!  I'm so motivated to get this house in order before May 6!
I'm hooked up with Laura at The Organizing Junkie!


Anonymous said...

I am really proud of you too, even though I don't actually know you! I am proud of all of us who struggle and are following through on this challenge. Great job!

Unknown said...

Wow, that is some change! Great Job!