Oh, I can't believe that my little boy is already two. It seems like only yesterday that I was holding him and he was cooing at me. I recently went back to watch those videos lest I forget. But wow, this last year and even these last three months Shrade is just changing.
Shrade is an absolute joy. He is always laughing, smiling and playing games. Basically he is very busy and he doesn't sit still or slow down unless he's eating or sleeping. We try to keep him very active both physically and mentally each day and he takes that challenge with vigor. He is very emotional and easily frustrated but we are teaching him how to ask for help and also to solve his own problems. He doesn't like messes. He shouts, "Messy, messy!" until it's cleaned up and he's still ultra picky about food, but you can't go wrong with bread and fruit.
Shrade is learning many ways to be independent: taking his own shoes off, climbing into his high chair and car seat, and crawling up and down stairs. He is learning to follow directions and is very good at throwing things away in the garbage and getting things for us when asked. He is also responsible to put his dishes in the sink and he is learning to say please, thank you and your welcome. Also, if you happen to sneeze he will say, "Bless you!"
His vocabulary has exploded. He names everything and repeats words. The other day he said, "Oh, goodness!" He also says, "There you go!" He sings and is learning to ask for things that he wants. We have started a little bit of Shrade School and he is learning letter names, numbers, colors, shapes and animals. He is also coloring a little bit, but is much more interested in transferring crayons from one container to another. And every toy that we have becomes a "train."
He is really interested in prayer time and even reminds us before a meal. I want to start teaching him Bible verses and of course, we want to sing Jesus songs with him. He usually stands with us during church worship time and bounces to the music.
We are so busy with activities. We like to go to library story time which is a great reinforcer of songs and books that I like to read at home. I also get a lot of good ideas to practice at home with him too. We go to playdates and we started going to a free program in our community called Play to Learn. I can see that he's catching on to books because he is starting to pick them up and name the title and pretends to read them too. We also went to the playground a lot when the weather was nice and he wants to climb and run. It's hard to keep up with this growing boy. He is a bit more daring than I want him to be.
Also, we've been taking a parenting class that is really helping us to fill his moral warehouse with sound Biblical wisdom. We are working on first time obedience and we say, "First time, every time, quickly with a happy heart." He is starting to understand that and he obeys. We also give lots of praise when he does things well. Of course, we have a long road in the parenting process, but we are taking one step at a time because we want our son's heart to be soft toward the Lord.
Well, we will see you again in 6 months and by then, Shrade will be a big brother! That will be another challenge altogether. I would appreciate any help in getting Shrade ready for a sibling!
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Friday, November 26, 2010
Shutterfly Christmas Cards
Every year at Christmas, it is always a great time to share memories and photos with family and friends. We take so many pictures of our family that it would be fun to be able to put several on a Christmas card to send out. I have actually never made a Christmas card before with personal pictures, but I recently discovered Shutterfly and I was so amazed at their collection of photo Christmas cards. I was overwhelmed at the variety of layouts. I am so excited to be able to choose a Christmas card from Shutterfly. Our son just turned 2 and I am due to have another baby in May. This would be a wonderful time to share this good news and with a beautiful Christmas card from Shutterfly. This year Shutterfly is offering bloggers 50 free 4x6 prints for Christmas cards. What I really like about the cards at Shutterfly is that they offer so many options for colors, number of pictures, words and designs. If you are a blogger and are interested in receiving 50 free Christmas cards, please click HERE.
Here are some of my favorites that I will choose from:
Here are some of my favorites that I will choose from:
Don't forget to sign up for your own free 50 prints today!
Pink Friday Sales at Heavenly Homemakers- 25% off everything!!!
Well, if you haven't guessed it by now, I love Heavenly Homemakers. And right now Laura is having a special "Pink Friday" sale with everything in her shop for 25% off. Read on!
Now through the end of Cyber Monday, you’ll receive a whopping 25% off every single item in the Heavenly Homemakers Shop! Everything. That includes 25% off every Ebook, every discounted Ebook Package, every Downloadable Recipe Card Pack, every Kids Character Chart, all of our Hand Crocheted Items and yes…even our Learn Your Letters, Learn to Serve Curriculum Kit!!! Just enter the code PINKFRIDAY as you’re checking out and you’ll receive a 25% discount on everything in your cart!
This sale will run from now (whatever time you’re reading this!) until midnight on Monday, November 29.
Sale facts at a glance:
Now through the end of Cyber Monday, you’ll receive a whopping 25% off every single item in the Heavenly Homemakers Shop! Everything. That includes 25% off every Ebook, every discounted Ebook Package, every Downloadable Recipe Card Pack, every Kids Character Chart, all of our Hand Crocheted Items and yes…even our Learn Your Letters, Learn to Serve Curriculum Kit!!! Just enter the code PINKFRIDAY as you’re checking out and you’ll receive a 25% discount on everything in your cart!
This sale will run from now (whatever time you’re reading this!) until midnight on Monday, November 29.
Sale facts at a glance:
- Everything in the shop is 25% off
- Enter the code PINKFRIDAY for the discount
- The Heavenly Homemakers Shop is HERE
- Pink is my favorite color (Laura's)
- Sale ends at midnight the 29th
Don't miss out on this sale!!
**As an affiliate, I receive a small percentage from each sale. Happy shopping!
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving!
God's Blessings to Me:
Thanksgiving is special to me because
* Jeremy and I got engaged on Thanksgiving Eve in 2003
*Our son Shrade was born on Thanksgiving day in 2008
*And just this week we saw our new baby on ultrasound who is coming in May: Baby Surprise. I'm 15 weeks!
Other blessings:
*I get to be a stay at home mom
*My husband prays with me daily
*We enjoy good health
*Our home is warm
*My husband is the best at providing food: gardening and canning
*I have the faithfulness of God and I am His child
Of course there is so much more, but these stand out to me today!
Be sure to make each day a thankful day!
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Gratituesday: The Faith Journey of desiring a second child
If I wasn't a Christian, I would really wonder if the world was against me and how I could make it stop. But I'm a devoted believer and I love God so much that those thoughts did not enter my mind as we began our faith journey of desiring a second child. If you have not read the story of having our first child (Reversal of Destiny), please do so first and then you will know why this is such another way God has been testing me and showing that He is God!
After our son Shrade turned one year old, my husband and I started talking and praying about having another. I was 35 and would be turning 36 in Sep 2010. I really wanted to have more children sooner than later. It's hard being an "old" mom sometimes! Anyway, we started "trying" in the Spring of 2010, but not being too serious about it. After all, I got pregnant with Shrade so quick we thought it would happen the same. I also know that when you plan that it takes longer too. By summer, we were pretty discouraged, but trusted that God had a plan. So after we got back from our trip to Minnesota in Aug, I missed my time of the month. I was so excited that I went and got the home pregnancy tests. I wanted to take them and surprise my husband. I was very surprised that both tests I took came back negative. I thought this very odd since I was pretty regular and then with missing my monthly I certainly thought I was with child. So I decided to make a doc appointment to make sure. The tests were negative there too. This was Aug 23. They did some blood work and other tests and asked me to come back in a month to go over the results and see what I could do if my periods had stopped. To say I was disappointed when I left was an understatement!
Throughout all of September my emotions ran wild. I couldn't sleep well, I wasn't hungry and I still had no period or any energy. I was alarmed that something was terribly wrong with me like having cancer. My husband was such a great support and at my September doc appointment he said I was perfectly healthy and saw no reason why I had stopped my periods. If that was still the case, in a few months he wanted me to come back to see if we could do some hormone therapy or take more tests. October was just as difficult. What made it more difficult was that people kept asking me when we were going to try for another. I couldn't say what was going on and I would smile and say, "we are thinking about it." In my heart, I was crying and asking God how I was going to get pregnant again. My husband and I agreed that even if we never had another child we would be content with our little Shrade.
About the middle of October, I started gaining a bit of weight mostly in my stomach. As you can see, I am not very attune to my body. I was so bummed and decided to start losing some weight, just 5 lbs. So I began exercising and cutting calories for about a week. Meanwhile, I just kept praying and asking God when I needed to go back to the doctor. I was going to wait until after the holidays, but I just felt that God was telling me to go now! So I made an appointment for Nov 11.
I went in with the intention to ask the doctor to get me on some hormone therapy to start my period again so if there was a chance for us to conceive, then it would be more of a possibility. I was completely surprised when I went in and began talking to the nurse and she suggested that I take a pregnancy test. I reluctantly agreed and when she returned she held up the little stick with 2 pink lines!!! I was astounded with unbelief. She said that the lines showed up immediately. I started crying with joy!
How could this be? After my doc appointment in Aug and I wasn't pregnant, how could I get pregnant if I didn't have another period? I was beyond any comprehension. When I thought back, I remember that all kinds of strange things happened in September, but I blew it off as my hormones being whacked out and being tired from chasing a toddler. This good news I had to share with my hubby. Thankfully, he works close so I drove down and shared the surprising news! We were overwhelmed! Also, this is very similar to my first pregnancy because I have experienced no morning sickness. I think that would have a dead giveaway. But I know that God wanted me to find out this way. I'm kinda sad that I almost missed the whole first trimester, because now I have less time to plan, but I really like how God has revealed himself to me!
God totally surprised us in unexpected ways. With Shrade, we knew we were pregnant, but God had us wait 3 months for Jeremy to get a job and with this new little one, we had no idea for 3 months that we were pregnant. But God was working in our hearts to be content and rely on Him only for all of our needs. Now even if this story did not end up like this, I would still love God and serve Him only. God watches over every detail of our lives and I'm so excited to share these stories with my little ones when they get older.
Somehow I thought I wouldn't be able to have any more children, but I'm so grateful that God is entrusting us with another and I get be pregnant again (love it) and hold a newborn baby in my arms in May. So right now I am 15 weeks along!
GIGATTAATTGIG (God Is Good All The Time And All The Time God is Good)
After our son Shrade turned one year old, my husband and I started talking and praying about having another. I was 35 and would be turning 36 in Sep 2010. I really wanted to have more children sooner than later. It's hard being an "old" mom sometimes! Anyway, we started "trying" in the Spring of 2010, but not being too serious about it. After all, I got pregnant with Shrade so quick we thought it would happen the same. I also know that when you plan that it takes longer too. By summer, we were pretty discouraged, but trusted that God had a plan. So after we got back from our trip to Minnesota in Aug, I missed my time of the month. I was so excited that I went and got the home pregnancy tests. I wanted to take them and surprise my husband. I was very surprised that both tests I took came back negative. I thought this very odd since I was pretty regular and then with missing my monthly I certainly thought I was with child. So I decided to make a doc appointment to make sure. The tests were negative there too. This was Aug 23. They did some blood work and other tests and asked me to come back in a month to go over the results and see what I could do if my periods had stopped. To say I was disappointed when I left was an understatement!
Throughout all of September my emotions ran wild. I couldn't sleep well, I wasn't hungry and I still had no period or any energy. I was alarmed that something was terribly wrong with me like having cancer. My husband was such a great support and at my September doc appointment he said I was perfectly healthy and saw no reason why I had stopped my periods. If that was still the case, in a few months he wanted me to come back to see if we could do some hormone therapy or take more tests. October was just as difficult. What made it more difficult was that people kept asking me when we were going to try for another. I couldn't say what was going on and I would smile and say, "we are thinking about it." In my heart, I was crying and asking God how I was going to get pregnant again. My husband and I agreed that even if we never had another child we would be content with our little Shrade.
About the middle of October, I started gaining a bit of weight mostly in my stomach. As you can see, I am not very attune to my body. I was so bummed and decided to start losing some weight, just 5 lbs. So I began exercising and cutting calories for about a week. Meanwhile, I just kept praying and asking God when I needed to go back to the doctor. I was going to wait until after the holidays, but I just felt that God was telling me to go now! So I made an appointment for Nov 11.
I went in with the intention to ask the doctor to get me on some hormone therapy to start my period again so if there was a chance for us to conceive, then it would be more of a possibility. I was completely surprised when I went in and began talking to the nurse and she suggested that I take a pregnancy test. I reluctantly agreed and when she returned she held up the little stick with 2 pink lines!!! I was astounded with unbelief. She said that the lines showed up immediately. I started crying with joy!
How could this be? After my doc appointment in Aug and I wasn't pregnant, how could I get pregnant if I didn't have another period? I was beyond any comprehension. When I thought back, I remember that all kinds of strange things happened in September, but I blew it off as my hormones being whacked out and being tired from chasing a toddler. This good news I had to share with my hubby. Thankfully, he works close so I drove down and shared the surprising news! We were overwhelmed! Also, this is very similar to my first pregnancy because I have experienced no morning sickness. I think that would have a dead giveaway. But I know that God wanted me to find out this way. I'm kinda sad that I almost missed the whole first trimester, because now I have less time to plan, but I really like how God has revealed himself to me!
God totally surprised us in unexpected ways. With Shrade, we knew we were pregnant, but God had us wait 3 months for Jeremy to get a job and with this new little one, we had no idea for 3 months that we were pregnant. But God was working in our hearts to be content and rely on Him only for all of our needs. Now even if this story did not end up like this, I would still love God and serve Him only. God watches over every detail of our lives and I'm so excited to share these stories with my little ones when they get older.
Somehow I thought I wouldn't be able to have any more children, but I'm so grateful that God is entrusting us with another and I get be pregnant again (love it) and hold a newborn baby in my arms in May. So right now I am 15 weeks along!
GIGATTAATTGIG (God Is Good All The Time And All The Time God is Good)
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Amy Inspired Book Review and Giveaway!!
Amy Gallagher is a 30 year old single adjunct professor of English at a small university who when asked what she does for a living says she's a writer. The only problem is that she has kept a file of rejection letters and has yet to be inspired or published. Of course, it doesn't help that her off the wall roommate Zoe, who dabbles in writing as an obsessive hobby publishes articles here and there. Amy is caught in a web of people in her life that tell her what to do and how to do it. Her only sanity is in the lists she makes. Everything then turns upside down when she meets Eli. Eli is everything Amy is not, and of course she's highly attracted to him. But he has a girlfriend and treats Amy like a good friend. Eventually Amy comes to a point where she takes the pieces of her life and writes a humorous and very inspired story.
When I started reading this book, I was immediately drawn to the author's colorful descriptions and perceptions. It also seemed that every character had a list of ultra quirky traits, but when I think about it, most of the people in my life have just as many idiosyncrasies. I was a bit perplexed where this story was going and was disappointed when there was really no climax. And the last part of the book really held no interest for me. I was also not impressed with how the Christian faith was portrayed as very casual. However, I really liked the way the story was written and enjoyed the funny and awkward interactions between the characters. And the ending did end up nicely even if it was a bit open ended.
*This book was provided to me free of charge by Bethany House Publishers for purpose of this review. This is my honest opinion of this book and no monetary compensation was received for my opinion.*
Win it: I am having a giveaway for this book. Open to US only and giveaway ends Monday, Nov 29.
To enter: Be sure to click on all the links before filling out the entry form.
1. Mandatory: Be a follower on my blog (2 entries)
2. Subscribe to my blog by email (top right corner)
3."Like" The Knowlton Nest on Facebook (link on my blog)
4. Post about this giveaway on another site (Facebook, Blog, Twitter, etc) (1 entry for each)
Book Review,
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Cookie Carnival: Sassy Cinnamon Cookies
I have decided to join the Cookie Carnival with Tami over at Tami's Kitchen Table Talk. This is a fun get together once a month where Tami emails two cookie recipes. I make one or both and post on my blog. I then email a picture and my blog post to Tami. At the beginning of the next month she posts a Carnival Round Up of all who participated. You are not required to participate every month, but it's a fun way to bake new cookie recipes. It's also fun to see how other people add variety to the recipes as well. You can find more information on Tami's blog and get her email address from there. You can also click the Cookie Carnival button on the side of my blog to get more information.
This month I made Sassy Cinnamon Cookies. This cookie reminded me of a Snickerdoodle with chocolate chips and nuts inside. I didn't have cinnamon chips. Very yummy!
1 1/2 | cups sugar |
1/2 | cup butter or margarine, softened |
1 | teaspoon vanilla |
2 | eggs |
2 1/2 | cups Gold Medal® all-purpose flour |
1 | teaspoon cream of tartar |
1/2 | teaspoon baking soda |
1/4 | teaspoon salt |
1 | cup cinnamon-flavored baking chips |
1 | cup chopped pecans |
2 | tablespoons sugar |
1 | teaspoon ground cinnamon |
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- Heat oven to 375°F (if using dark or nonstick pan, heat oven to 350°F). In large bowl, beat 1 1/2 cups sugar, the butter, vanilla and eggs with electric mixer on medium speed, or mix with spoon, until creamy. Stir in flour, cream of tartar, baking soda and salt. Stir in cinnamon chips and pecans.
- In small bowl, mix 2 tablespoons sugar and the cinnamon. Shape dough by 1/4 cupfuls into balls. Roll in sugar-cinnamon mixture. Place balls 3 inches apart on ungreased large cookie sheet (do not flatten).
- Bake 13 to 17 minutes or until set and light brown. Immediately remove from cookie sheet to wire rack.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Trendy Blog Award!!
Elle over at Take Two Reviews gave me this award and I want to pass it on to some other "trendy" blogs! Check them out! Thanks, Elle!
Here’s how the award works:
1. Lovely Paper Blog
2. My Sweet and Savory
3. Oopsey Daisy
4. Organic Parenthood
5. Pickup Some Creativity
6. The Activity Mom
7. Turning the Clock Back
8. One Crazy Cookie
9. Little Sprout Books
10. Granola Mom 4 God
Here’s how the award works:
- To receive this award, promise to share this with 10 other BLOGS that you think are Trendy too.
- Post about your award in your blog.
- List your Top 10 Trendy Blogs.
- Share with them.
- Leave a link to the Trendy Blog Button.
- Tell them they need to give this award out to 10 as well.
1. Lovely Paper Blog
2. My Sweet and Savory
3. Oopsey Daisy
4. Organic Parenthood
5. Pickup Some Creativity
6. The Activity Mom
7. Turning the Clock Back
8. One Crazy Cookie
9. Little Sprout Books
10. Granola Mom 4 God
Monday, November 15, 2010
CSN Stores Review!
Recently I was able to review 3 great toys from CSN stores:

This was a fun learning toy for my almost 2 year old son. It comes with 5 different colored pegs attached to a long rectangle board. On each of the pegs is a shape that is the same color as the peg in ascending order starting with 1-5. Each peg has a different shape. It is so fun for my son to empty off the peg board and quickly put the shapes back on with the right colors. There are also several great learning extension activities listed on the back.

This tote especially designed for toddlers is a great learning tool for on the go! This package comes with 7 colored pegs, two peg boards, 4 shape puzzles, 3 animal puzzles and and one large geometric shape puzzle all in a carrying case. My son was completely taken with the pegs and he loves to stack them and build towers. All pieces except the pegs are foam and are easily adapted to punching in and out of the puzzle holes. This tote features many primary colors and is very good to bring along in the car or to quickly pack up and take to a neighbors house if you are invited over for dinner!

This is probably my son's favorite. This set features 26 letters of the alphabet in wonderful pastel colors that interlock. Each letter also can be punched out and serves as a puzzle. It is amazing what my son has learned from these tiles. He is not even 2 years old and he is recognizing letters. Of course, his favorite thing to do is to make the letters into a "train." All aboard for learning letters! We have even used this set to spell words. We are going to enjoy this toy for a long time!
I really like the quality of the toys and other products that are available at CSN stores. I am highly recommend checking out the variety of products that are reasonably priced. Happy shopping at CSN stores!
*These products were provided to me free of charge by CSN stores for purpose of this review. This is my honest opinion of these products and no monetary compensation was received for my opinion.*
Tropical Traditions Antioxidant Natural Greens Review and Giveaway!!
I was recently able to review the Antioxidant Natural Greens from Tropical Traditions. I decided to try this version to see if I would like it better than what I had to drink in high school. I remember that I went to the doctor once and they made me drink something green, it tasted worse than grass. I could barely swallow it. It was terrible. I was excited to see that Tropical Traditions makes a similar product, but with flavors. I chose the berry flavor without licorice. I was in for a treat. Yes, it still looks like the green stuff I drank in high school, but with a much better taste. In fact, if I didn't see what color it was, I would think it was a red berry punch. Not only that, this drink is packed with vitamins and minerals. Here are a few facts from Tropical Traditions:
Buy it: A 13.7 oz canister of Tropical Traditions Antioxidant Natural Greens is usually $44, but right now is only $38.99. You can choose mint or berry flavor and with or without licorice.
When you place your order please use my ID # to get your FREE book: 6015262 in the "Referred by a Friend". (Thank you!) You can also obtain your own complimentary copy of Virgin Coconut Oil book through the Referral program if you are ordering for the first time. Please click: http://www.tropicaltraditions.com/referral_program.htm for more info. The book will be automatically be added to your order. I encourage you to look through the website for some great products. I have already tried the Lavender Natural Deodorant (aluminum free), the Organic Shredded Coconut and the Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil. Be sure to sign up for their newsletter to get updated information on products and sales.
If you need any help in placing your order please click here: http://www.tropicaltraditions.com/customerservice.cfm.
Disclaimer: Tropical Traditions provided me with a free sample of this product to review, and I was under no obligation to review it if I so chose. Nor was I under any obligation to write a positive review in return for the free product.
To enter: Be sure to click on all the links before filling out the entry form. Thanks!
- Antioxidant Natural Greens supports nutrition, digestion, circulation & immunity.*
- Antioxidant Natural Greens contains 2600mg Organic Flax & Organic Flax Lignans per serving, rich in ALA Omega 3
- Antioxidant Natural Greens provides dark green plants, herbs, spices, natural food concentrates, and nutritious fruits and vegetables to help meet your daily requirements.
- Antioxidant Natural Greens supplies a rich blend of totally natural vitamins, minerals, plant enzymes, antioxidants, phytonutrients and symbiotic intestinal flora for optimal energy metabolism, digestion, detoxification, and immune enhancement.*
Buy it: A 13.7 oz canister of Tropical Traditions Antioxidant Natural Greens is usually $44, but right now is only $38.99. You can choose mint or berry flavor and with or without licorice.
When you place your order please use my ID # to get your FREE book: 6015262 in the "Referred by a Friend". (Thank you!) You can also obtain your own complimentary copy of Virgin Coconut Oil book through the Referral program if you are ordering for the first time. Please click: http://www.tropicaltraditions.com/referral_program.htm for more info. The book will be automatically be added to your order. I encourage you to look through the website for some great products. I have already tried the Lavender Natural Deodorant (aluminum free), the Organic Shredded Coconut and the Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil. Be sure to sign up for their newsletter to get updated information on products and sales.
If you need any help in placing your order please click here: http://www.tropicaltraditions.com/customerservice.cfm.
Disclaimer: Tropical Traditions provided me with a free sample of this product to review, and I was under no obligation to review it if I so chose. Nor was I under any obligation to write a positive review in return for the free product.
Win it:
One reader will receive their choice of mint or berry Tropical Traditions Antioxidant Natural Greens. Open to US. Giveaway ends Monday, Nov 29.To enter: Be sure to click on all the links before filling out the entry form. Thanks!
1. Mandatory: Be a follower on my blog (2 entries)
2. Visit Tropical Traditions and tell me another product you would like to try. (required)
3. What flavor would you like to try: mint or berry?
4. Subscribe to my blog by email.
5."Like" The Knowlton Nest on Facebook (link on my blog).
6. "Like" Tropical Traditions on Facebook
7. Follow Tropical Traditions on Twitter
8. Sign up for the Tropical Traditions Newsletter.
9. Make a purchase at Tropical Traditions using my referral code: 6015262
10. Post about this giveaway on another site (your blog, facebook, twitter, etc) (1 entry for every site)
Tropical Traditions
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Song Sunday: Taken by Love by Kutless
I hope you get a chance to listen to this song. Just click play. It's exactly what I needed from God today. He has taken me by love!! (I found this song on one of my favorite blogs: Transformed Moms)
Friday, November 12, 2010
Pear Tree Greetings $30 Gift Code
How would you like to get $30 in FREE merchandise from Pear Tree Greetings
Ordering from Pear Tree Greetings is so much fun because you can personalize many products. I recently made an order for my sister for notecards and matching address labels. I was able to pick the color, font and what words I wanted to use on the cards. Another great feature is that you can save items in your cart for up to 90 days. So I created what I wanted and then later when I wanted to add more to my order I could pull it out of the saved cart.
Here are a few of the examples of what I have ordered recently:
With each of these orders, I also got matching address labels. There are tons of colors and fonts to choose from and like I said, you can also personalize them any way you want. Pear Tree Greetings not only offers great deals, but lots of fun while ordering. And if you ever have a problem or question, the customer service is very prompt. I love working with this company.
BUY IT: Visit Pear Tree Greetings
WIN IT: One winner will receive a $30 coupon code for ANYTHING in the Pear Tree Greetings store! Open to US and giveaway ends Monday, Nov 22.
To enter: Be sure to click on all the links before filling out the entry form. Thanks!
1. Mandatory: Be a follower on my blog (2 entries)
2. What would you buy from Pear Tree Greetings
if you won? (required)
3. Subscribe to my blog by email (top right corner)
4."Like" The Knowlton Nest on Facebook (link on my blog).
5. "Like" Pear Tree Greetings on Facebook
6. Make a purchase at Pear Tree Greetings
(5 extra entries!)
6. Post about this giveaway on another site (your blog, facebook, twitter, etc) (1 entry for every site)
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Don't forget...Heavenly Homemakers Hospitality Ebook sale!!
Just a quick reminder:
Take advantage of the Heavenly Homemakers Hospitality Ebook sale this week!
Or buy BOTH for $8!
I just downloaded mine and I'm SO excited for all the recipes, games, organizing ideas, printables and encouragement that Laura put into her books. I'm certainly going to enjoy the holidays and make them special for my family.
I just downloaded mine and I'm SO excited for all the recipes, games, organizing ideas, printables and encouragement that Laura put into her books. I'm certainly going to enjoy the holidays and make them special for my family.
What a great way to start planning for your holidays!
**As an affiliate I receive a small percentage from each purchase. Thanks for shopping!
**As an affiliate I receive a small percentage from each purchase. Thanks for shopping!
Recipe of the Week: Baked Apple Raisin Oatmeal
One Christmas, right after Shrade was born, my sister in law came to visit and she brought ingredients to make this yummy baked oatmeal. Here is the recipe:
2 2/3 c. old fashioned oatmeal
1/2 c. raisins
1/4 c. maple syrup
1/4 c. brown sugar
2 t. cinnamon
4 c. milk
2 unpeeled chopped apples
walnuts for topping
Mix altogether. Put in greased 9x13 in pan. Bake at 350 for 45-50 min.
I recently brought this to MOPS for hot dish. Very yummy!
2 2/3 c. old fashioned oatmeal
1/2 c. raisins
1/4 c. maple syrup
1/4 c. brown sugar
2 t. cinnamon
4 c. milk
2 unpeeled chopped apples
walnuts for topping
Mix altogether. Put in greased 9x13 in pan. Bake at 350 for 45-50 min.
I recently brought this to MOPS for hot dish. Very yummy!
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Hatteras Girl Book Review and Giveaway!!
Hatteras Girl by Alice J. Wisler tells about young, single Jackie Donovan who has two dreams: to own Bailey Bed and Breakfast and to meet the man of her dreams. Told in first person, Jackie makes her living as a writer for Lighthouse Views, the local magazine. Her main job is to interview local business owners and she thinks she finally finds the key to her happiness when she interviews Davis Erickson who happens to own Bailey Bed and Breakfast. Jackie falls head over heels in love. But she begins to pick up clues that all is not right when her best friend avoids talking about Davis and she meets people who are not too fond of the man. Will Jackie's dreams be shattered or will she actually fulfill the pursuit of the Bailey House as well as finding the man she loves?
This story introduced a lot of colorful characters who I immediately fell in love with. I really liked the perspective of first person told from Jackie's viewpoint. It adds a lot of mystery and connection with the main character. I was impressed with how all the story elements fit together and I really liked how the ending was a sweet surprise. Prepare to be enthralled with the unique descriptions and enticing story line. I look forward to more books by Alice J. Wisler.
*This book was provided to me free of charge by Bethany House Publishers for purpose of this review. This is my honest opinion of this book and no monetary compensation was received for my opinion.*
Win it: I am having a giveaway for this book. Open to US only and giveaway ends Friday, Nov 19.
To enter: Be sure to click on all the links before filling out the entry form.
1. Mandatory: Be a follower on my blog (2 entries)
2. Subscribe to my blog by email (top right corner)
3."Like" The Knowlton Nest on Facebook (link on my blog).
4. Post about this giveaway on another site (your blog, facebook, twitter, etc) (1 entry for every site)
Book Review,
Dining With Joy Book Review and Giveaway!!!
Dining With Joy by Rachel Hauck is a story about Joy Ballard who is the host and star of a cooking show she inherited from her father. Dining With Joy has all the elements of an entertaining cooking show except that Joy has a huge secret: she can't cook! Luke Redmond appears and sweeps Joy off her feet, not only with his ability to cook, but also with his kisses. Joy's producer hires Luke as her co-host and Joy uses him to cover up her secret. Joy wrestles with telling the truth, but is unprepared when a disaster happens and she's exposed. Will Joy be able to recover and have a career and will Joy and Luke have a chance to develop their blossoming relationship?
Dining With Joy captivated me because I love cooking. I found it ironic that the main character could not cook, but I thought it was a great theme for this story. I really like how Joy realized that what she inherited from her father was not just a cooking show, but the love he had for the people he cooked for. I did like the chemistry between Luke and Joy but I was confused as to why they did so much kissing but chose to call each other just friends. Well, what's a novel about cooking that doesn't include recipes? I made the famous banana bread mentioned throughout the story and you will just have to read the book to get the recipe, but it was good!
Win it: I am having a giveaway for this book. Open to US only and giveaway ends Friday, Nov 19.
To enter: Be sure to click on all the links before filling out the entry form.
Dining With Joy captivated me because I love cooking. I found it ironic that the main character could not cook, but I thought it was a great theme for this story. I really like how Joy realized that what she inherited from her father was not just a cooking show, but the love he had for the people he cooked for. I did like the chemistry between Luke and Joy but I was confused as to why they did so much kissing but chose to call each other just friends. Well, what's a novel about cooking that doesn't include recipes? I made the famous banana bread mentioned throughout the story and you will just have to read the book to get the recipe, but it was good!
![]() |
Charles Ballard Banana Bread |
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookSneeze.com <http://BookSneeze.com> book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 <http://www.access.gpo.gov/nara/cfr/waisidx_03/16cfr255_03.html> : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
Win it: I am having a giveaway for this book. Open to US only and giveaway ends Friday, Nov 19.
To enter: Be sure to click on all the links before filling out the entry form.
1. Mandatory: Be a follower on my blog (2 entries)
2. Subscribe to my blog by email (top right corner)
3."Like" The Knowlton Nest on Facebook (link on my blog).
4. Post about this giveaway on another site (your blog, facebook, twitter, etc) (1 entry for every site)
Book Review,
Booking It 2010: November
I am having so much fun keeping track of the books I read this year! Here is what I read last month:
*A Cousin's Promise (Indiana Cousins, Book 1)
by Wanda Brunstetter (gift from my grandma)
**I'm Outnumbered!: One Mom's Lessons in the Lively Art of Raising Boys
by Laura Lee Groves (if you've got boys, this one is for you, tons of practical ideas)
**Lady in Waiting: A Novel
by Susan Meissner (oh, this one was a page turner)
**The Sixty Minute Family: An Hour to Transform Your Relationships for Ever (Sixty-Minute)
by Rob Parsons
**The Perfect Blend (The Tea Shop Series)
by Trish Perry (loved this one and want to read more from this author) (currently a giveaway- check my sidebar)
**Eat This And Live For Kids
by Dr. Don Colbert (very informative)
**Full reviews on each of these books
*A Cousin's Promise (Indiana Cousins, Book 1)
**I'm Outnumbered!: One Mom's Lessons in the Lively Art of Raising Boys
**Lady in Waiting: A Novel
**The Sixty Minute Family: An Hour to Transform Your Relationships for Ever (Sixty-Minute)
**The Perfect Blend (The Tea Shop Series)
**Eat This And Live For Kids
**Full reviews on each of these books
Monday, November 8, 2010
5 Things for Husbands and Wives
I found this article that I wanted to share with you.
*I love you
*You are beautiful
*I'm sorry
*I believe in you
*How can I pray for you?
*I'm in love with you
*I am for you and respect you
*I'm attracted to you
*I appreciate you
*I want to make love to you
For more info click on the titles. These came from the website Refine Us.
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