Hi everyone- I thought I would add a spiritual aspect to my blog since Jesus is my life and I want to know him better. I think it would be fun to share what God is teaching me and also what you are learning too. Please make comments on this post so we all can pray for each other and God's guidance in our lives.
This first one I just wanted to introduce myself a little bit more and tell you some things that I am doing to enhance my relationship with God. So, I became a Christian when I was about 8 years old. I started doing daily devotions at about 13 years old. My Bible teacher taught us some unique ways to study the Bible which I needed direction in doing. I was privileged to attend Christian schools where I learned so much about God. It wasn't until I actually moved out on my own that my relationship with God deepened beyond just reading the Bible and praying. Attending a Bible believing church and fellowshipping with others is a very important part of growing in Christ.
These past several years I have been in some great Bible studies. BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) was an incredible way to study the Bible. I also have taken several Beth Moore Bible studies at church.
My deep desire this year is grow closer to God as I daily come to him in prayer and reading his Word. I am going to read through the Bible as well as take a few Bible studies from church. I also have a little prayer book that I have started with just writing days of the week and praying for friends and family everyday (with consistency). I always pray for my husband and son with very specific requests and also for myself. This time in the morning is so precious to me and even though I like sleeping in, my time with God is so important to me. I want to start the day out right.
So, how do you make time for God everyday?
Looking forward to learning and growing together in Christ! Go on over to Laura's Heavenly Homemakers for more inspiring stories of Faith!