I have had NO fashion sense ever since I became a Stay At Home Mom. I usually wear jeans and a shirt (and neither fit too well after pregnancy). I rarely fix my hair (used to curl to perfection) and I just started wearing a little bit of makeup again. Basically I feel like a FRUMP!! Can anyone relate??
One of my greatest challenges is getting dressed in the morning before my kids get up. I am an early riser, but I also like to have quiet time, clean, get on computer and workout without interruption. Where does taking a shower and getting dressed fit in? Sometimes it doesn't. It takes a back burner. Oh, I do get my shower in, but I'm rushed and I definitely don't fix my hair.
My goal this month is to streamline my morning to include the things I like to do, but also take a good shower, put on makeup and wear clothes that say I'm not a FRUMP!
This little book Frumps to Pumps is a 20 day motivotional by Sarah Mae that is very inspiring. Every day there is a short devotion with a challenge. I am under no illusion that I will become a fashion queen by the end of 20 days, but my goal is to make getting dressed at a proper time in the morning a habit as well as taking time to think about my appearance and make choices to reflect the beauty of the Lord that I have in my heart.
Are you interested in joining me? We will start February 4 and end March 1. We will only do weekdays (M-F).
Here is what to expect from this little challenge: Read the daily motivotionals, follow the challenges and check in here weekly! I'd like some accountability and every Monday so I will blog my progress. I will also have a link up if you want to share as well.
Prize: Anyone who completes the 20 Day challenge using Frumps to Pumps will be entered into a drawing for $20! You must check in EVERY week on the form I provide to be considered for the prize.
Sign up for the challenge HERE.
I will send a short newsletter with all the information that you need. Be sure to pick up your ebook for this challenge- Frumps to Pumps by Sarah Mae.
Oh, and one more thing...since I am such a fashion no-how, I found this great little site where I can hire my own personal fashion consultant. Check out Stitch Fix and see if this is something you are interested in. My prize to myself for completing the 20 Day challenge is to try out Stitch Fix!
Here is how it works:
- Sign Up and Complete Your Style Profile After signing up you can start immediately on your Style Profile. We need to know your size, shape, style, price preferences, and lifestyle to get your Fix right. It’ll take about 10 minutes.
- Schedule a Stitch Fix Pick a date, and we’ll send you a box of 5 clothing and accessory items we’ve hand-picked just for you. Schedule monthly, or as often as you like—it’s your call. You pay a $20 styling fee up front, which serves as credit toward anything in your Stitch Fix shipment.
- Try it all on Try on everything we send you—you never know what you’ll like until you see it on. Pair it with items already in your closet. Each item includes style cards with ideas and inspiration on how to wear it.
- Decide Take 3 days to decide what you’ll keep. Pay for just what you want to keep, return the rest in our pre-paid mailing bag at any USPS mailbox. Keep all 5 items and you save 25% off the entire shipment.
- Check Out Give us feedback on your Stitch Fix shipment—our secret (styling) sauce gets better over time if we know what did and didn’t work for you.