Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Jessna is 7 months old!

picture taken by Auntie Janine

Jessna is 7 months old!  I can't believe it!  

Here are a few things Jessna is doing:
*started eating purees (loves fruit)
*can sit up by herself
*loves the exersacuer
*a people watcher
*has pulled herself forward a few times on her tummy

We just made our first big trip down to see cousins in Oregon.  It was a long drive, but she did so well.
with Cortney (5 years old)

My two sweet babies!

I like to do finger plays with Jessna.  One that I do is "This little piggy" and I touch her toes.  One evening she was sitting on my lap at dinner and she was touching her toes.  Shrade says, "Jessna is playing with her piggies!"  

touching her piggies
It's a lot harder to keep up with child #2, but I'm trying!  I really want to give Jessna just as much as I did for Shrade, but I don't think it will happen quite like I envision.  But I do hold and cuddle her as often as I can since this is our last baby.

Here's a little peek at Shrade at 7 months!