Points to: head, ears, eyes mouth, feet, tummy, toes

Signs: more and all done (during meal time)
Understands: eat (walks to high chair), book (grabs a book from the box), snack (points to the cabinet with the snacks)

He just started walking in January and is very stable on his feet. This allows us to go to fun places like the park. He really loves the slide. We also just bought his first pair of shoes to wear outside! Excuse the crying picture. He just got up from a nap and didn't want to wear the hat. I thought he looked cute though!
We continue to go to library story time and of course, leaving after the play time is a bit rough. Shrade has shown us some of his "sinful" nature as he gets upset easily and will have a few tantrums with loud crying and body arching. Starting discipline and training at this age is so important to us. Thank goodness he usually has a good report from the nursery.
Shrade continues to have a great nap and night sleeping schedule. He rarely cries going to sleep or waking up which is such a blessing.
I think the best times we have with Shrade is when we sing to him and play fun games like hide and seek. Nothing is so precious as hearing the laughter from your baby and seeing their excited face.