This is how Shrade sleeps- he prays. Already a Christian? Well, we are praying for his heart even now to be soft toward Jesus Christ.

Shrade in his new exersaucer. Fun!!
Shrade had a very exciting month:
New activities- Exersaucer, Johnny Jump up, Baby jogger, Buff Moms/Happy baby exercise group, bath in tub 2x a week
Accomplishments- roll back to front, grabbing feet, lifting head
Sign language that Shrade is learning- eat, milk, diaper change, bib, bath, mommy, daddy
Funny things Shrade does- thumping legs and turning 90 degrees in bed, raising arms up and then pulling down fast and hitting tummy, making noises wth a closed mouth, sleeping with hands over face clasped together as if praying
Eating and sleeping patterns- Eats 5 X a day 6-8 oz per feeding, takes 2 naps 1-2 hours each, sleeping 9-11 hours at night
Shrade's personality- mellow
Shrade's stats: 18 lbs and 26 inches long
He loves stories, books, songs, and poems. He loves going for our daily walks in his baby jogger. He is a wonderful baby wth a beautiful smile. We love our son so much. Thank you, Jesus, for our very precious gift from heaven!
Shrade is being dedicated at church on Saturday, May 9 @ 6:30pm at Lighthouse Christian Center. Come join us!
New activities- Exersaucer, Johnny Jump up, Baby jogger, Buff Moms/Happy baby exercise group, bath in tub 2x a week
Accomplishments- roll back to front, grabbing feet, lifting head
Sign language that Shrade is learning- eat, milk, diaper change, bib, bath, mommy, daddy
Funny things Shrade does- thumping legs and turning 90 degrees in bed, raising arms up and then pulling down fast and hitting tummy, making noises wth a closed mouth, sleeping with hands over face clasped together as if praying
Eating and sleeping patterns- Eats 5 X a day 6-8 oz per feeding, takes 2 naps 1-2 hours each, sleeping 9-11 hours at night
Shrade's personality- mellow
Shrade's stats: 18 lbs and 26 inches long
He loves stories, books, songs, and poems. He loves going for our daily walks in his baby jogger. He is a wonderful baby wth a beautiful smile. We love our son so much. Thank you, Jesus, for our very precious gift from heaven!
Shrade is being dedicated at church on Saturday, May 9 @ 6:30pm at Lighthouse Christian Center. Come join us!